Friday 30 October 2009

Art Kahos - Pirats Bourbon- Rite of Spring

Art Kahos. Collaborative performance art project at Pirats Bourbon.

This movie was made with unprocessed close-ups of the build in progress over the course of four weeks.

(Better quality version on Youtube here)

It's Kahos Let's Danse!

SLURL from here and bring your sunglasses.

The 12 participating artists are : Maya Paris,Oberon Onmura, Zhora Maynard, Solkide Auer, Nessuno Myoo, Shellina Winkler, Natsha Lemton, Hermes Kondor, Maryva Mayo, Mitch Shelman, Scarp Godenot and Oxphalaver Moose.

Sponsored by Patrick Moya AKA Moya Janus and hosted by Bourbon Island, Bourbon estate-sim.Many thanks to Patrick, Merlina Rokocoko, Newbab Zsigmond and everyone at Pirats