Tuesday, 22 October 2013

Moving Islands

A Cosmogony of Rafts and other improbable floating beings, orchestrated by Eupalinos Ugain.

October/December 2013

Get your feet wet here


a collaborative project with

● Alpha Auer - http://www.flickr.com/photos/alpha_auer/
● Artistide Despres - http://artist-id.blogspot.com/
● Aston Leisen - http://www.flickr.com/photos/aston_leisen/
● CapCat Ragu - http://www.flickr.com/photos/capcatragu/
● Cica Ghost - http://www.flickr.com/photos/64860898@N05/
● Cutea Benelli - http://www.flickr.com/photos/grimbros/
● Derek Michelson
● Eupalinos Ugajin - http://eupalinosugajin.wordpress.com/
● Haveit Neox - http://accalpha.blogspot.com/
● Kake Broek - http://www.flickr.com/photos/13539895@N06/
● Kikas Babenco - http://www.flickr.com/photos/kikas_babenco/
● Livio Korobase - http://www.flickr.com/photos/liviokorobase/
● Maclane Mills - http://www.flickr.com/photos/absence/
● Marmaduke Arado - http://www.flickr.com/photos/28090997@N03/
● Maya Paris
● Meilo Minotaur - http://www.flickr.com/photos/meilominotaur/
● Merlino Mayo - http://www.flickr.com/photos/merlinomayo/
● Oberon Onmura - http://www.flickr.com/photos/oberon_onmura/
● Ole Etzel - http://www.flickr.com/photos/boned/
● Pallina60 Loon - http://www.flickr.com/photos/pallina60loon/
● Scottius Polke - http://srolfe.com/
● Simotron Aquila - http://www.flickr.com/photos/simotron/
● Takio Ra
●Uan Ceriaptrix - http://www.flickr.com/photos/uanguz/

May Contain Fish - Maya Paris

Kikas, Marmaduke and the Whale

Eupalinos - Water Memory

Scottius Polke - Funhouse

Alpha Auer

Oberon Onmura
Simotron Aquila

Monday, 29 July 2013

17th Bienal de Cerveira

The 17th Bienal de Cerveira takes place from 27th July to 14th September 2013, under the theme "Art: crisis and transformation" in Vila Nova de Cerveira (Portugal) and in the cities of Braga and Santiago de Compostela. It includes the "Bienal Virtual" at the Portuguese Art Foundation V/5 in Second Life, curated by Celeste Cerqueira and Silvestre Pestana

Installations  by Alpha Auer / Elif Ayiter, Bryn Oh, CEELeste Serra, eupalinos Ugajin, Holala Alter, Kikas Babenko & Marmaduke Arado,  Maya Paris (with music by Emily Wilkins), meilo Minotaur & CapCat Ragu , Patrick Moya and Osederatus Haven


Photo: Manaíra Aires Athayde

Bienal Virtual Catalogue at the landing point

Senses Places performance. Photo:Manaíra Aires Athayde

Bienal website http://www.bienaldecerveira.pt/portal/page/portal/fbac/fundacaobienaldecerveira

Friday, 7 June 2013

AIRE Mille Flux Quantic festival

The Quantic digital art festival opens today at 6pm (Paris time).

This event will take place simultaneously on the AIRE Mille Flux digital platform and in Vichy, France with a live concert by Léandre Vaucher and performance by Kikas Babenco and Marmaduke Arado. You are invited to become a co-creator in the performance.

The Quantic festival is a collaborative creation led by Marc Blieux, with work from participants in creative digital workshops held in Vichy and contributing artists from around the world.

For more information http://aire-mille-flux.org/quanticfestival/
To join the AIRE Mille Flux platform : http://aire-mille-flux.org/join/
(use Firestorm or Singularity viewer)


Marc Blieux aka Marc Moana

Clément Murin
Laetitia Carton

Saskia Boddeke aka Rose Borchovski

Léandre Vaucher aka Lilju Leandre
Maya Paris

Kikas Babenco & Marmaduke Arado

Cristina Guadalupe Galván

Simotron Aquila
Petits Mensonges

Les participants aux ateliers:  Corine, Angélique, Audrey, Claude-Louis

Free entrance to festival events
7 June : L’Atrium au 37 avenue de Gramont, Vichy, France
10.30 am : Discussion with Laetitia Carton et Marc Blieux about “A memory under construction”
From 2.40 pm : Interactive facilities and computers will be at the public’s disposal to visit the 3D digital platform.
Short films (1 hour) :
6 pm : Opening ceremony
Live electroacoustic concert by Léandre Vaucher + performance from Kikas Babenco  and Marmaduke Arado on the 3D platform.

Wednesday, 13 February 2013

1 Billion Rising

The Fembots are RISING.

Join us on February 14th as part of the "1 Billion Rising" worldwide day of action.

SLURL to Rise in Second Life  http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/OBR%20Walk/55/202/21

For more information, click here http://onebillionrising.org/ 

"On V-Day’s 15th Anniversary, 14 February 2013, we are inviting ONE BILLION women and those who love them to WALK OUT, DANCE, RISE UP, and DEMAND an end to violence against women."

Women and men in Second Life will join activists, writers, thinkers and people across the world in a show of unity, individual strength and the need for change.

The Second Life event will feature a four-region stage where 200 people can dance together, surrounded by an area of art installations and informational exhibits. A variety of performers will play over the 24-hour period, enabling people all over the world to attend this virtual event no matter their timezone.

For more information about the event in SL


+ information about the artists and their exhibits


Sunday, 3 February 2013

Bank Job

Your Mission?
Break into the Bank
Get to the Vault and find the Safe
Don't forget to SNEAK

Balaclavas and grappling hooks supplied.

Big Fat Bonus up for grabs.

"Bank Job" is part of "Topophonia: 4 realizations in sound" at Oberon Onmura's Yoshikaze "Up in the Air" residency, funded by HUMlab at Umeå University in Sweden

http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/HUMlab/9 7/191/351

Use the teleporter at the landing point to visit all 4 installations and crank up your sound.

Oberon Onmura "Nine Doors"
Alpha Auer "listen"
Eupalinos Ugajin "Jazz on Bones"
Maya Paris "Bank Job"

Thursday, 31 January 2013

Topophonia: 4 realizations in sound

4 Sound projects from Oberon Onmura, Alpha Auer, Eupalinos Ugajin and Maya Paris as part of Oberon's Yoshikaze "Up in the Air" artist's residency, curated by Sachiko Hayashi , funded and hosted by HUMlab at Umeå University, Sweden

Opens January 22nd 2013 in Second Life

Click the link to get to the landing point, then use the teleporters to visit all 4 builds


and presented at Umeå University, 18th-22nd February on four computer stations, accompanied by 4 machinimas filmed by Marx Catteneo

Oberon Onmura "Nine Rooms"

Maya Paris "Bank Job"

Eupalinos Ugajin "Jazz on Bones"

Alpha Auer "listen..."

 Presentation at Umeå University, photographs from Yoshokaze blog
